Laurentian Bank + Mackenzie

Invested in partnership for 10 years

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Mackenzie Betterworld Canadian Equity Fund

Canadian all cap strategy with a specific focus on large cap companies.

Mackenzie Betterworld Global Equity Fund

Global large cap investments with a small-mid cap component to boost growth potential.

Mackenzie's Continuing Education Centre

Your source for continuing education credits.

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What’s in store for 2024?

Get the advice you need to navigate investor portfolios in 2024.

New retiree realities call for new retirement portfolios

Mackenzie Investments’ new proprietary retirement experience can help.

Economic commentary

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Mackenzie economists shine a spotlight on the latest market and global economic trends.


Lower volatility potential with dollar-cost averaging

The concept of “buy low and sell high” sounds attractive, but it can be difficult to follow due to the unpredictable nature of short-term market prices. To take advantage of these changing prices, one effective investment strategy is dollar-cost averaging (DCA).

Timing the market is tougher than it sounds

When markets decline, it’s tempting to sell and wait for stability before jumping back in. But it’s virtually impossible to know when markets will rebound. Trying to time the market by buying a GIC may sometimes look like a smart move, but your long-term investment performance will likely be worse than if you had simply stayed invested through the bad times.

The ride up is usually bigger than the ride down

It’s human nature to be more emotionally sensitive to falling markets, but it’s not always logical. It’s natural for markets to move up and down over time, and the average length of a rising (bull) market is much longer than a declining (bear) market, where gains in a bull market often far exceed losses in a bear market.

Why balanced? For returns and risk management

It’s close to impossible to predict what assets will perform the best (or worst) over time in any market. As a result, investors spread their savings across many asset classes and many countries or regions, according to their ability or willingness to take risk. This spreading out of assets is called “diversification”.

Seven tips to help you weather volatile markets

Emotions can run high during periods of increased market volatility. Thankfully, there are tips to help you ride out the storm and keep your long-term financial goals on track.

LBCFS Investment Guide

Seeing beyond numbers.

Registered Education Savings Plan Brochure

Invest in your child's future. Your guide to the Registered Education Savings Plan.

GICs: savings or investments?

During times of market volatility, a natural tendency for investors is a mindset shift from capital growth to capital preservation.

Feature Page - Mackenzie US All Cap Growth Fund

Durable growth stocks that can outperform in a variety of economic environments.